Best Way To Tie Down A Motorcycle In Trailer

By | September 24, 2022

When you're getting ready to go on a long road trip, chances are you’re going to need to transport your motorcycle. But how do you make sure it stays secure in the trailer? The best way to tie down a motorcycle in a trailer is to use a combination of tie-down straps and wheel chocks.

Tie-down straps are essential for securing any type of motorcycle in a trailer. They provide a strong, reliable connection between the motorcycle and the trailer that will keep the bike from moving around during transit. Make sure to use ratchet straps with a wide, soft handle to avoid damaging the bike’s frame. Then, position the straps so they will hold the bike securely against the trailer wall. Be sure to double-check that the straps are tight and secure before you start driving.

In addition to tie-down straps, you should also invest in a good wheel chock. A wheel chock works to immobilize the front wheel by keeping it in place. This will prevent the front wheel from turning while the bike is in transit, eliminating any potential movement in the trailer. Look for a chock specifically designed for motorcycles, as they are typically wider and more secure than standard chocks.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your motorcycle is safe and secure when you transport it in a trailer. Combining the use of tie-down straps and wheel chocks is the best way to ensure that your bike won’t budge during transit. Be sure to inspect the straps regularly and adjust them as needed to keep your bike firmly in place. With the right precautions, you can safely hit the road with your motorcycle in tow.